Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Tuvan folk tales

Tuvan folk tales based on the mythology of the world.The traditional start of legends, which states that the events described occurred "At a time when the mountain Sumber-Uul was a hill, and the lake Sut-Khol was a pool." It is clear that we are talking about a mythical time, the creation of the world. This is the time when the world mountain Sumber-Uul, first appeared in the original cosmogenesis the world's oceans, he was still a small bump. The same applies to the lake Sut-Khol. This is the primary oceans. At the beginning of some of the legends, he is not talking about lakes breast Sut-Khol, but right on the stormy sea - ocean, "When the White Sumber-Uul reached its peak when the stormy sea of ​​the hill was a black puddle" In Hindu mythology, gods and asuras, using the mountain Mandara as a whisk, churning over the years churned ocean. Firstly, the ocean turned into milk (hence Dairy Lake, and then - in oil, etc. Thus, the land of the myth of the churning of the ocean was created (as churning milk) depending on the type belongs to the cosmogonic myths, in which the act creation is carried out by department. primary water. leave no doubt that we are talking about a mythical time. "at the time when everything was tightly against the wind and rolled round," etc., as you can see, there is a picture yet not entirely orderly state of the universe in archaic myths of the era of chaos be ordering, ie the transformation of chaos into space in the form of a classical epic mythical time also appears as the initial -Time as time ancestors of action predetermined follow-up procedure."Previously, in the beginning,Ancient Ancient,When the horns of bulls fall cracked,When ibex horns rose up to the sky,On the shoulders of a good time,The head bad timeWhen the time and the universe is created,Then it was ....."Heroes Tuvan tales are fighting monsters, giants, with the inhabitants of other worlds.Almost every character Tuvan heroic legends is due to meet in a match fight with powerful and dangerous rivals, and the battle often ends with the murder of opponents.Heroes Tuvan tales dismembered body and scatter his enemies according to what they do so requires the cosmogonic myth and logic, these actions are symbolic "act of reproduction cosmogonic".For example, in the story "Bokta-Kirish and Bora Sheeley", in which all things in the name of the deceased elder brother does his younger sister Bora Sheeley, the heroine turns into a victory in wrestling matches the characters with the names of the son of the Moon Gold Strong, son of the Sun Bronze Strong, son of iron Strong Deek, son of Earth cherz Strong, son of Heaven strong Capricorn, etc. it is important to note that all these stories the characters in its appearance and features bright demeanor kind of mythological consciousness, respectively, various natural forces and elements of nature, and thus, perhaps the personification of it.


I am from the Republic of Tyva