Saturday, March 18, 2017



 Shulbus is the owner of a locality.Shulbus live in hard-to-reach districts of the taiga and on the mountain tops.Shulbus lives in a cave.If a person sees the true appearance of the shulbus, he will soon die.Shulbuses are endowed with unique abilities and incredible power.Shulbuses know how to do everything: they run faster than everyone, they hunt better than everyone, they learn everything before everyone else, always I win in the fight Khuresh. They can lift mountains, shoot without a miss. To drink the sea, to follow the trail of the ant, which he left seven years ago. In some cases, the shulbus can change its appearance and become "a woman of unprecedented beauty, shining like the Moon and the Sun", in which the most ancient layer of mythology is seen, where the shulbus is the landlady. If someone violates the norms accepted in the mountains and in the taiga, the shulbus can steal a soul from such a person, which inevitably causes illness, and even leads to death.


I am from the Republic of Tyva