Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Stone-cutting art in Tuva

The Tuva stone-carving industry develops deep and solid traditions of creating sculptures of small forms from agalmatolite. This kind of soft stone has a very calm pastel shade, in which light gray and pink-brown colors are gently mixed. Depending on the method of decoration, the sculpture actively displays the color shades of the stone. The Tuva sculpture is at first glance simple, static. But this impression is formed only with a preliminary acquaintance. The features of static are really traceable here. However, Tuvan masters and last years have made significant progress in the transfer of the internal dynamics of the movement of figurines. This is achieved by dismembering the volume, giving the silhouette of the depicted animals a certain rhythm. Masters-stone cutters depict well-known domestic animals - camels, sheep, horses, goats. They are friends and helpers of man, the owner of the steppes, the herdsman. And because they are endowed with features of naturalness. Carvers love to portray animals as having a rest, feeding their young. Then the human attitude of the master to animals is especially clearly revealed, and through this and to the native nature.
Photo vk.com/4arlaldar_17
Tuvan Chess

Photo www.tuva.asia

Te - the mountain goat 
The Dragon
Horseman on a deer

Author Larissa Norbu

Wednesday, March 22, 2017


Photo Азат Аскаров
Kuchuten - the one-eyed giant. Hi is so strong that its strength can not be measured.Despite its size, it is very agile and fast.

Tuvan folk tales

Tuvan folk tales based on the mythology of the world.The traditional start of legends, which states that the events described occurred "At a time when the mountain Sumber-Uul was a hill, and the lake Sut-Khol was a pool." It is clear that we are talking about a mythical time, the creation of the world. This is the time when the world mountain Sumber-Uul, first appeared in the original cosmogenesis the world's oceans, he was still a small bump. The same applies to the lake Sut-Khol. This is the primary oceans. At the beginning of some of the legends, he is not talking about lakes breast Sut-Khol, but right on the stormy sea - ocean, "When the White Sumber-Uul reached its peak when the stormy sea of ​​the hill was a black puddle" In Hindu mythology, gods and asuras, using the mountain Mandara as a whisk, churning over the years churned ocean. Firstly, the ocean turned into milk (hence Dairy Lake, and then - in oil, etc. Thus, the land of the myth of the churning of the ocean was created (as churning milk) depending on the type belongs to the cosmogonic myths, in which the act creation is carried out by department. primary water. leave no doubt that we are talking about a mythical time. "at the time when everything was tightly against the wind and rolled round," etc., as you can see, there is a picture yet not entirely orderly state of the universe in archaic myths of the era of chaos be ordering, ie the transformation of chaos into space in the form of a classical epic mythical time also appears as the initial -Time as time ancestors of action predetermined follow-up procedure."Previously, in the beginning,Ancient Ancient,When the horns of bulls fall cracked,When ibex horns rose up to the sky,On the shoulders of a good time,The head bad timeWhen the time and the universe is created,Then it was ....."Heroes Tuvan tales are fighting monsters, giants, with the inhabitants of other worlds.Almost every character Tuvan heroic legends is due to meet in a match fight with powerful and dangerous rivals, and the battle often ends with the murder of opponents.Heroes Tuvan tales dismembered body and scatter his enemies according to what they do so requires the cosmogonic myth and logic, these actions are symbolic "act of reproduction cosmogonic".For example, in the story "Bokta-Kirish and Bora Sheeley", in which all things in the name of the deceased elder brother does his younger sister Bora Sheeley, the heroine turns into a victory in wrestling matches the characters with the names of the son of the Moon Gold Strong, son of the Sun Bronze Strong, son of iron Strong Deek, son of Earth cherz Strong, son of Heaven strong Capricorn, etc. it is important to note that all these stories the characters in its appearance and features bright demeanor kind of mythological consciousness, respectively, various natural forces and elements of nature, and thus, perhaps the personification of it.

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Nine Heavens

From time immemorial the Tuvans worshiped nine skies.Therefore, they are not angry with people and do not send disaster.
Blue sky - Strong wind will not be.
White-blue sky - It will not rain for a long time. The drought may begin.
Clear sky - The cloudless sky is very dangerous.There may be a downpour, severe frosts, a lot of snow can fall out.
Starry sky - If the stars will shine brightly the drought will begin or a lot of snow will fall out.
Black sky - At night, you can not see the stars, the moon.Big snow can fall in the winter.Cattle will begin to die.Showers can begin in the summer.The flood will begin.
Cloudy sky - On earth there will be silence.
Dangerler Sky - Here live the dungerler.Only the strongest shamans can go there.There are big stars and open spaces.
Azar Heaven - Here lives the genus Azarlar.Here live the birth of azarlar and hoorlar.
White sky - This is the highest sky.


Photo http://www.yelizarov.ru
Photo http://miniskazka.ru

 Shulbus is the owner of a locality.Shulbus live in hard-to-reach districts of the taiga and on the mountain tops.Shulbus lives in a cave.If a person sees the true appearance of the shulbus, he will soon die.Shulbuses are endowed with unique abilities and incredible power.Shulbuses know how to do everything: they run faster than everyone, they hunt better than everyone, they learn everything before everyone else, always I win in the fight Khuresh. They can lift mountains, shoot without a miss. To drink the sea, to follow the trail of the ant, which he left seven years ago. In some cases, the shulbus can change its appearance and become "a woman of unprecedented beauty, shining like the Moon and the Sun", in which the most ancient layer of mythology is seen, where the shulbus is the landlady. If someone violates the norms accepted in the mountains and in the taiga, the shulbus can steal a soul from such a person, which inevitably causes illness, and even leads to death.

Friday, March 17, 2017


Photos from the book

Khan-Hereti - Giant queen of birds.It can carry people to the upper world or to their nest.In Tuva, Baiterek is literally a "rich poplar." "Bai yyash" is a tree with three branches. The Tuvinians believed that the Khan-Herti, the divine bird nest among the three branches of the bay-yyash, and guard the upper world. To continue the genus of Still Haan Hereti lives in the Upper World., the princess is abducted.Still Khan-Hereti lives in the Upper World.Khan-Hereti can communicate with people. In some tales, Khan-Hereti helps people to travel between worlds.

Monday, March 13, 2017

Representations about the Universe in Tuvan mythology

The Universe has three worlds:

  1. The Upper World
  2. Middle world - The Yellow Universe
  3. lower world - The Dark Universe
The upper world is not like a Christian paradise, and the bottom is not like a Christian hell.
The upper and lower worlds are eternal.There people live after death.The world of people is called the "Deceptive Yellow Universe", because it is not eternal.Three worlds are interconnected and one can move from one to another.
In the average world live:
"Kizhi Borus"  Wild people.
"Shulbus" Shulbus live in hard-to-reach districts of the taiga and on the mountain tops.If a person sees the true appearance of the shulbus, he will soon die.
Entities - Spirit "oran-tangdee a:zi" They are the owners of lakes, mountains, rivers, forests, healing springs, taiga.People communicate and revere nature.People take only what is necessary.People, before going on a hunt, cutting down a tree, fishing, ask permission from the spirit.
Essence ''Buk''  He gets into people.He encourages a person to do bad things.
Devilry "Azalar" The soul of the deceased person turns into "aza", if the rituals were not performed after death. Or he has an unfinished business, or he died in terrible agony and wants revenge.Aza can change its form: turn into different animals or have an ugly human form.They can harm living people.
"Chetcherler" - Souls of deceased people, who did not care to get to the place they needed.
In the lower world live:
The ruler of the whole lower world is Erlic Khan.People will come to him after death to court.He punishes the guilty and rewards good people.
Cannibals "Magachynnar"
"Chylbiga" - A woman eating children.
"Albys" Albis are in the form of a beautiful girl or man.They will entice travelers with their beauty.
" Deereng" It has the form of a handsome young man riding a horse.
In the upper world live:
The ruler of the whole lower world is Ak Khan and Heavenly deities.

Friday, March 3, 2017

Tuvan throat singing

Throat singing - a unique form of art, there are only the peoples of the Sayano-Altai region - Tuva, Altai, Mongolia, as well as living in the European part of the Russian Bashkir. The uniqueness of this art is that the artist extracts just two notes at the same time, thus forming a kind of two vocal solo.
Throat singing is not the result of a specific throat singing, musical and poetic thinking people. In Tuva, for example, this is due to the boundless love of nature. Thus, the measure of all things and the source of inspiration of the ancient artists Artists nature. The value and beauty of sound was measured by the ability to transmit "real-life" not only by imitation, but also an understanding of its nature.

Aesthetic perception Tuvan traditional onomatopoeia - hunting and shamanic apparently formed the basis of the special, pets, vocal and instrumental imitations of the voices of animals, wild animals and simulation environment without any industrial or magical function.

On the basis of the traditional onomatopoeia entertainment that was clearly evident characteristic of Tuva increased sensitivity auditory perception skillfully modeled voices of birds and animals, the cries of the crane, goose orphans bull roar, hare ritual emerged and spread in Tuva two votes throat singing, in which one artist clearly two musical voices heard.
According to most experts, Tuvan throat singing - Khoomei - is markedly different from that of art Altai, Buryatia and Mongolia, above all, a wide variety of styles. The main styles are considered to be 5 - kargyraa, Khoomei, sygyt, ezengileer, borbannadyr addition, there are several varieties - dumchuktar (nose singing) khorekteer (sing-feeding), Khovu kargyraazy (steppe kargyraa).

On the origin of different types of Tuvan throat singing preserved in the legends of the people and traditions. 
Kargyraa originated as an imitation of the voice of the camel when camel dies, camel rides, making sounds similar to kargyraa. The term has kargyraa onomatopoeic basis indicating rattle or sounds similar to wheezing. For example, in the modern Tuvan there onomatopoeic verb kargyraar (kargyra) having a value of:wheeze,seethe.

Tuvan throat singing - Тувинское горловое пение - Каргыраа ...

Style Khoomei acoustically coupled with a heavy, low, humming sound of an extremely low frequency. Usually very sound style Khoomei seems more important than the poetic text. In contrast to the singing of the Mongols, Tuvan Khoomei can be executed without text or with text genre of lullabies. For ancient Tuvan music is quite essential point.

Tuvan throat singing - Тувинское горловое пение - Хөөмей (Khoomei ...

The term sygyt means lamentation, weeping as a derivative of the word sygytchy - wailing and moaning.
Ezengileer style name comes from the word ezengi - stirrups, and, perhaps most accurately conveys the basic meaning and the nature of his music. When riding on a horse silver bridle, saddle, stuck to the seat in contact with stirrups, published some rhythmic sound. To play these sounds, the rider had to take a certain position in the saddle and ride amble. Style ezengileer appeared as an imitation of these sounds.

Tuvan throat singing - Тувинское горловое пение - Эзенгилээр ...

Borbannadyr style name is derived from the verb Tuvan "borbannat" - to roll something round. This style has a rhythmic form.

Tuvan Throat singing - Тувинское горловое пение - Борбаңнадыр ...

Tuvan style sygyt, in all likelihood, originated from the verb sygyr - whistle. There noun "sygyt" whistle.


I am from the Republic of Tyva