Tuesday, November 22, 2016

The fauna of the Republic of Tyva

Animals of the Republic of Tyva

In Tuva, known 72 species of mammals and 232 species of birds. Ohotniche- main commercial species of animals are the squirrel, sable, ermine, weasel, fox, squirrel, hare and hoofed animals - deer, roe deer, musk deer, and elk.
Because predators are bears, wolves, lynx, wolverine, leopards, birds - grouse, black grouse, grouse, partridge bearded, geese, bustard.
In reservoirs lives 18 commercial species of fish: taimen, goldilocks, whitefish, Siberian and Mongolian grayling, pike, perch, ide and others.
To enrich the fauna of Tuva was conducted acclimatization fur animals: Barguzin sable, muskrat, mink, beaver, squirrel-Teleut, raccoon dogs.
The Red Book of the Russian Federation are included 7 species of animals and 40 species of birds.
A variety of natural conditions determined the richness of its flora. To the north and east of the republic is characterized by taiga forests, dry steppes and semi-desert landscapes of Tuva in the Uvs Nuur Basin, subalpine and alpine meadows, mountain tundra in the high mountains.
Here in the neighborhood live reindeer and camel, tundra partridge and bustard, brown bear and snow leopard, sable, squirrel and other fur-bearing animals. Above the endless steppes of Tuva soars proud eagle and white-winged gull groaning over the lake mirrors. In the harsh highlands inhabited by amazing animals "sarlyks.
The fauna of Tuva has 72 species of mammals, 240 species of birds and 7 species of reptiles. In the waters of Tuva inhabits 18 species of fish, including: taimen, goldilocks, grayling, whitefish, perch, pike.
For the steppe characteristic fox, wolf, and numerous rodents. In mountain-taiga regions inhabited by the sable, Siberian weasel, ermine, wolverines, red deer, brown bear, lynx, etc. In the alpine zone -. Mountain goat, pika, and tundra ptarmigan.
The entire territory of the Republic is the area of ​​commercial hunting, which inhabits 83 species of mammals, 230 species and subspecies of birds.
Area of ​​assigned hunting area - 15120 hectare.

Ounce - Irbis
Beaver - Saryg kundys

Reindeer - Iwi

Lynx - Dyrbaktyg
Mongolian marmot - Tarbagan
Bear - Adyg
Red Wolf - Kyzyl bөrү 
Wolf - bөrү

Sable - Kish
Mountain goat - Te

Mountain sheep - Cherlik Khoi


Camel - Teve
Red panda

Musk-deer - Toorgu

Elk - Buur

Manul - Manu
Wolverine -  Chekpe
Fox - Dilgi
 Hare - Koygun

Stoat - As

Roe - Hүlbүs

River otter - Kara Kundus

Животные республики Тыва - ProTown.ru


I am from the Republic of Tyva