Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Nature of Tuva

The Republic's territory is divided into five geographical zones: mountain, forest, foothill forest-steppe, steppe, dry steppe and semi-desert. Steppe (lowland and mountain) take up 40% of the territory, forests 50%, mountain and valley formation - about 10%. In the relief of the western and central part of the country stands out Tuva Basin, surrounded by the mountain ranges of the Western Sayan, Shapshalskim, Tsagaan-Shibetu, Tannu-Ola mountains and east of Tuva. To the south-west of the ridge Tsagan-Shibetu is the highest mountain in Tuva Mongun-Taiga (3976 m). Within the eastern most part are elevated south-western slopes of the East. Sayan, Todzha Basin, East Tuva Highlands Ridge with Academician Obruchev and Highlands Sangilen. The largest rivers: the Upper Yenisei (Service-Khem), as well as components of the Yenisei River - Big Yenisey (Bij-Hem) and Little Yenisey (Ka-Khem). Included in the Siberian Federal District. It shares borders with the Republic of Altai, Buryatia and Khakassia, Krasnoyarsk Territory and the Irkutsk Region, in the south and southeast of Mongolia. Territory - 170.5 thousand square kilometers.

Tuva called a land of blue lakes and rivers.

And it is no coincidence. On its territory there are more than 430 lakes, most of which are of glacial origin. There are also 13 saltwater lakes of mud and more than 50 mineral springs - arzhaans, the waters of which have been successfully used to treat various diseases. The largest of arzhaans, springs - hot springs Ush Beldir (North arzhaan) and Tarys (South arzhaan) in the hills east of Tuva on the ridge of the Academician Obruchev, with the water temperature from 52 to 85 ° C.

Tuva, due to geographical location at the crossroads of East Siberian taiga and Central Asian semi-desert landscapes is rightly called a country of contrasts, because here there are all natural zones - from tundra, taiga, forest-steppe, steppe, semi-desert and ending desert. Only here in just a week, you can travel around all the natural areas in the east and meet reindeer, in the south-west and west highland yaks, and in the south and southeast of the camels.

In the Republic of Tuva are 16 nature reserves, 14 natural monuments and two nature reserves. One of them - the State Nature Biosphere Reserve Uvs Nuur Basin is a monument of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage.



I am from the Republic of Tyva