Sunday, December 18, 2016

Christmas Fair

I was at a Christmas fair.And I want to share my impressions.

The building is easy to navigate.Ticket office is directly in the center of the hall.

Information Office located next to the cash register.There are play areas, a swing, a planetarium for children.
Program Christmas fair on December 18.

Toys symbolizing the coming year.

Toys, jewelry boxes  made in the traditional Russian style.

Costume Jewellery 

Children were taught to paint figures.

Large selection of trees was.

Small houses for girls sold. 

Sale of carnival costumes for all ages.

Stuffed animal

Warm clothing for sale, made of natural fur.

I bought a fur vest for grandmother. 

You could buy food for New Year's table.

Entrance to the fair cost 200 rubles for adults. .

If the entrance to the fair was free of charge. Customers would be more. Furthermore, ATM does not work there. And I was not able to buy anything I want.
I really liked the fair.

«Рождественская ярмарка» - Красноярская ярмарка

Wednesday, December 14, 2016


My opinion
We had a quest for building the library. Participants quest took him longer than planned. But it makes it more interesting. We awarded prizes to participants at the end of the quest. They were satisfied with the quest.    Link to group "Vkontakte"   Link to this page instagram

The planned event took place at the appointed time, the team was full strength. Summed up the technical side of the event. We are not always at the time turned out to put the job. Participants are not all tasks performed as we expected 
1. Video greeting - they carried out the task with a 2-fold 
2. Poem - in the frame had to be one person instead of three 
3. Photo of fish - with the task handled 
4. Jump to photos with a cat - do not touch the pictures 
5. # MannequinChallenge. - with the task handled 
6. Description of the picture - with the task handled 
7. Song - quiet sound 
To avoid similarity errors cost us more to describe the task. In general, the quest was good.

Sunday, December 4, 2016


Good afternoon,participants of the quest.We want to offer you game.Below will be posted your task.To move to the neext task you should put the result in instagram.At the end of the quest you will get a prize.The game will begin at 12:00Good luck!!!We decided to do for his classmates a small quest. It lies in the online tasks. Their task is to carry out our tasks and share in instagram. Quest's time - 1 hour. Quest teach our classmates navigate the library. That is what they will get the job: 1) to enter the building, according to ascend the stairs and say quatrain. Only 1 person. 2) go left on the corridor, past the ladies' room directly. Photo taken at an aquarium with fish. 3) go straight into the well, down the stairs. On one of the columns has a cat photos, jump on it. 4) Remove the # MannequinChallenge.4) Find the cashier paying for accommodation in a hostel. Take a picture of this place. 6) Describe any pattern 5 anglyiskimi adjectives. 6) Sing a Christmas song across the English teamAt the end of the test, we'll give them a sweet prize.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

"Night at the laboratory"

Its main purpose is - popularization of scientific knowledge, the formation of an open platform for interdisciplinary cooperation between laboratories, scientists, students and schoolchildren. All are invited.

The event program:
18:30 - opening of "Night at the laboratory" with scientific experiments and show (singing Tesla coil, experiments with nitrogen and others).
19: 00-20: 30:
free entrance to the existing research laboratories with unique equipment;
operation of interactive areas (water quality testing, carbonated beverages, tablets, robot control, press the 3D-printer, the station altitude mast Zotto, Petri dishes with mushrooms grown, the site lab and the lab biotechnology bioluminescent forest genomics and other);
film screening scientific films;
Quest for schoolchildren "Night at the laboratory";
Work molecular bar with the possibility to try the cocktail of Newton and others.
20:30 - summarizing and rewarding.
The organizer of the event - Siberian Federal University with the support of Agency of Science and Innovation Development of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the Krasnoyarsk regional innovation and technology business incubator, the Council of young scientists and specialists under the governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

Basically, the event came to school children, were still students and preschool children.

Thus began the "Night at the lab."
They showed the audience the properties of liquid nitrogen.
It shows what happens if liquid nitrogen  poured is into boiling water.
Competition for children past
"Lightning dance to the music"
Robots have been made by students of SFU.

You could see ticks and other parasites to increase.

Those who wish to propose a toast to the oxygen and other cocktails. 

The event went well.Especially the children were happy.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

The fauna of the Republic of Tyva

Animals of the Republic of Tyva

In Tuva, known 72 species of mammals and 232 species of birds. Ohotniche- main commercial species of animals are the squirrel, sable, ermine, weasel, fox, squirrel, hare and hoofed animals - deer, roe deer, musk deer, and elk.
Because predators are bears, wolves, lynx, wolverine, leopards, birds - grouse, black grouse, grouse, partridge bearded, geese, bustard.
In reservoirs lives 18 commercial species of fish: taimen, goldilocks, whitefish, Siberian and Mongolian grayling, pike, perch, ide and others.
To enrich the fauna of Tuva was conducted acclimatization fur animals: Barguzin sable, muskrat, mink, beaver, squirrel-Teleut, raccoon dogs.
The Red Book of the Russian Federation are included 7 species of animals and 40 species of birds.
A variety of natural conditions determined the richness of its flora. To the north and east of the republic is characterized by taiga forests, dry steppes and semi-desert landscapes of Tuva in the Uvs Nuur Basin, subalpine and alpine meadows, mountain tundra in the high mountains.
Here in the neighborhood live reindeer and camel, tundra partridge and bustard, brown bear and snow leopard, sable, squirrel and other fur-bearing animals. Above the endless steppes of Tuva soars proud eagle and white-winged gull groaning over the lake mirrors. In the harsh highlands inhabited by amazing animals "sarlyks.
The fauna of Tuva has 72 species of mammals, 240 species of birds and 7 species of reptiles. In the waters of Tuva inhabits 18 species of fish, including: taimen, goldilocks, grayling, whitefish, perch, pike.
For the steppe characteristic fox, wolf, and numerous rodents. In mountain-taiga regions inhabited by the sable, Siberian weasel, ermine, wolverines, red deer, brown bear, lynx, etc. In the alpine zone -. Mountain goat, pika, and tundra ptarmigan.
The entire territory of the Republic is the area of ​​commercial hunting, which inhabits 83 species of mammals, 230 species and subspecies of birds.
Area of ​​assigned hunting area - 15120 hectare.

Ounce - Irbis
Beaver - Saryg kundys

Reindeer - Iwi

Lynx - Dyrbaktyg
Mongolian marmot - Tarbagan
Bear - Adyg
Red Wolf - Kyzyl bөrү 
Wolf - bөrү

Sable - Kish
Mountain goat - Te

Mountain sheep - Cherlik Khoi


Camel - Teve
Red panda

Musk-deer - Toorgu

Elk - Buur

Manul - Manu
Wolverine -  Chekpe
Fox - Dilgi
 Hare - Koygun

Stoat - As

Roe - Hүlbүs

River otter - Kara Kundus

Животные республики Тыва -


I am from the Republic of Tyva