Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Summary table

Number of people offering the event

Description of the event
the standard rules of the game in English only, also involving guests
Christina, Bilzek, Marina, Nastya, Bunamin
the group is divided into organizers and participants. The task of the organizers to come up with a different pad tasks English task (punctuation, spelling, translation, reading) challenge participants to go as fast as possible all sites
Christina, Bilzek, Nastya
whole group participants pre-prepared questions like "I'm alive? I'm a woman? etc" then all the rules as in the real game
Christina, Nastya
the group is divided into representatives of the countries (for 2-3 people) their task is to create a platform for different cultures and demonstrate their learning group. So we delve into the culture of different countries and introduce other people with this culture
Christina, Nastya
Its rules are not very difficult: single players or teems move over the board with goal to reach the finish point. Steps on the board are attended with different tasks marked on cards. Every completed task makes a player closer to the finish point.
Marina, Bunamin
Everyone comes up with 5-10 words, nouns, common words, and writes them to scraps of paper. Then all the scraps are collected in a heap and mixed. Players split into teams in pairs. For 30 seconds, you need to explain to your partner as many words from randomly selected pieces of paper. The opposing team includes a stopwatch on the phone and monitors the time. Successfully unraveled shreds we leave to ourselves, we put back the unsolved ones back into the pile.
Marina, Bunamin
Viewing a documentary film with subtitles

Marina, Bunamin
Masster-class on crocheting
mastering simple lessons, where each step is explained in detail.
Bunamin, Marina
"Relay of feelings"
Need card. All you need to write for 6-10 cards (depending on number of participants) name of feelings. Players sit in a circle and close their eyes, and the one that sits on the edge pulls out the first card. It reflects the feeling written on the card fallen neighbor. But, of course, makes it not words , and various movements, such as: stroking, or Vice versa removal, Pat, and so on. The player has to guess what feeling is being conveyed and comprehended and when it passes it's next.
Playing the imagination "Dixit"
The rules of the game are simple, but you will need special cards. The bottom line is this: players are dealt six cards. They depict various pictures - almost surrealism. For example - a mowing anchor, in the middle of the desert. Players choose from their kit a suitable card according to the description and spread it on the table. The secret is that the description should be multifaceted, and the one who has not guessed right away wins. But, an important element is that if no one could identify your card at all, you lose points.
the group is divided into several teams, one team is leading, and a couple of teams. Participants are offered a variety of tasks, questions which in the end are presented in the crossword puzzle and it turns out the key word. The tasks may include cards of profession, economic concepts, etc
A game of trust "Blind"
Next game — confidence.Select one facilitator and one, so to speak, a victim – namely , the blind. Excitement and extreme sports adds that if we draw this game you will be somewhere in a public place – in the Park or just outdoors. A blind man is blindfolded because he doesn't need to see anything, and he chooses him from the team guide. The task of the guide - lead by the hand of a Blind man. To warn, loudly and clearly, where through puddles to step over, around holes and ditches - his direct responsibility. The most important thing in this game — the feeling of complete trust between the players. An invalid of any sort of bad jokes, the taunts, the heckling and teasing — don't forget that the man sees nothing, and can suffer greatly.
Where am I?
Where am I? For this you need to prepare name boards of the places where people can go. That is, the plates should be as fun and unusual. The participants do not know which place they will fall. A handout is attached to the back of the player. Leading defines the most common questions that participants must answer. The result is very funny. And the winner picks the whole team. 
Word race
Students are divided into two teams;The Board is divided into two halves and the top is indicated by the theme of the competition;Then the students start by writing one word in accordance with the subject;One word, one ball. The winner is the team who wrote the largest number of words on the Board in the allotted time.
Great game, focused on team work. It is suitable for repetition of the time, phrases, hone reading skills, etc. How to play the puzzles?
One person comes up with the word and reset on the Board the number of letters using the cell (like crossword);Offer Students the letters, and if BU is present in the brakes, then write it down. If not, then the Board resets of the vessels and Penny.Participants win when time to guess the word before the drawing is seven.
To start on separate sheets of paper write the words and hide in the bag;The class is divided into two teams, and the Board is split into two halves;
One student from each team gets a random word from a bag and then begins to draw it. The first team to correctly guess the word wins;If the picture is finished, and the word is not guessed, then another team member takes the place of "artist"
True or false
Students write on a piece of paper three sentences about yourself. One of them is true, the other two to lie. Students are allowed to ask questions regarding allegations. And in the end you need to determine what is true and what is false.


I am from the Republic of Tyva