Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Tuvan Shepherd Dog

Tuvinian sheepdog - a bold, large, powerful, but proportionally folded dog, possessing high mobility and endurance; clean, unpretentious, easily adapting to different climatic zones and conditions of detention. Type of constitution: strong with a strong bone structure and well developed musculature, which allows the dog to maintain a light and rapid movement with visible athletic build.
A companion dog, a shepherd, a guard and a guard dog of an impressive and important kind. Has the expressed qualities of a watchman and a shepherd without showing unreasonable aggressiveness (unlike other guard dogs, she is not characterized by increased aggression and spite). The character is firm, calm, but incredulous to outsiders, unobtrusive in dealing with the owner. The behavior is confident, independent, calm. A characteristic reaction is defensive in an active form. In the protected area, the dog constantly monitors and controls all movements, and in a relaxed environment it quickly relaxes.
Photo: https://vk.com/kostukpen

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Feedback on the event

I really liked the game. Everyone was having fun.Anticafe was not as cozy as I expected.The noise of other visitors of the antiсafe was disturbing.

Friday, December 15, 2017

Guest feedback


I enjoy sports and lead a healthy lifestyle. the most important thing I appreciate in people kindness and honest. I am very positive, and sociable person intresenny

Hello, recently in Krasnoyarsk held an event Mafia in English with participation of the foreigner. The event was held at the highest level, but the exception was that we couldn't make it alien . We booked time in the anticafe, where we all sat down at the common table. . Anna is a wonderful person and a great conversationalist , which has always supported the conversation. She knows English at a high level some time Passed and we started to play, everyone was happy with the game and our guest.he would like to say a few words about the place: hobby house Frontier.Anticafe was 3 large rooms, which had everything we needed for a holiday with friends and family. The atmosphere was at a high level.We have implemented almost all the plans associated with this event, everyone enjoyed and everyone left in a great mood

On the table are cards with roles in a Mafia game. We see card: the doctor,COP, Mafia,moth and civilian

In the photo we see the guest of the evening, and the organizers of the Mafia
In the pictures, we see that Nikita is upset because he killed the first night.Nastya,Lena and Bonamin satisfied that figured the Mafia

All listen carefully to what leading announces about events occurring in the night

We can see in the photo, Nikita stares at Christina

Nikita was happy to take suspicion off yourself

We see that Anna suspects Bunamine and stares at him

Came latest the organizers of this event

Map how to get to this place

A group photo of the guest and organizers

All happy and playing Mafia

Christina says, if the Mafia is not Lena, then Nikita

Diana and Nikita mafia want to take away from itself suspicions. Bunamin Commissioner, who figured out that Mafia Nikita

Nikita burned that he is a Mafia
Nikita is happy that the Mafia won. Bunamin upset that he was killed on the first night.

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Our project is a game of Mafia. Each of the guys have invested in training their efforts. Distribution of responsibilities: 1) The Search space of the game - Nastya,Dasha 2) Search for guests - Christine,Marina 4) Search for the foreign visitor - Ilnar 3) Putting some posts - Lena, Bilzek, Bunamin 4) The video - Nikita

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Summary table

Number of people offering the event

Description of the event
the standard rules of the game in English only, also involving guests
Christina, Bilzek, Marina, Nastya, Bunamin
the group is divided into organizers and participants. The task of the organizers to come up with a different pad tasks English task (punctuation, spelling, translation, reading) challenge participants to go as fast as possible all sites
Christina, Bilzek, Nastya
whole group participants pre-prepared questions like "I'm alive? I'm a woman? etc" then all the rules as in the real game
Christina, Nastya
the group is divided into representatives of the countries (for 2-3 people) their task is to create a platform for different cultures and demonstrate their learning group. So we delve into the culture of different countries and introduce other people with this culture
Christina, Nastya
Its rules are not very difficult: single players or teems move over the board with goal to reach the finish point. Steps on the board are attended with different tasks marked on cards. Every completed task makes a player closer to the finish point.
Marina, Bunamin
Everyone comes up with 5-10 words, nouns, common words, and writes them to scraps of paper. Then all the scraps are collected in a heap and mixed. Players split into teams in pairs. For 30 seconds, you need to explain to your partner as many words from randomly selected pieces of paper. The opposing team includes a stopwatch on the phone and monitors the time. Successfully unraveled shreds we leave to ourselves, we put back the unsolved ones back into the pile.
Marina, Bunamin
Viewing a documentary film with subtitles

Marina, Bunamin
Masster-class on crocheting
mastering simple lessons, where each step is explained in detail.
Bunamin, Marina
"Relay of feelings"
Need card. All you need to write for 6-10 cards (depending on number of participants) name of feelings. Players sit in a circle and close their eyes, and the one that sits on the edge pulls out the first card. It reflects the feeling written on the card fallen neighbor. But, of course, makes it not words , and various movements, such as: stroking, or Vice versa removal, Pat, and so on. The player has to guess what feeling is being conveyed and comprehended and when it passes it's next.
Playing the imagination "Dixit"
The rules of the game are simple, but you will need special cards. The bottom line is this: players are dealt six cards. They depict various pictures - almost surrealism. For example - a mowing anchor, in the middle of the desert. Players choose from their kit a suitable card according to the description and spread it on the table. The secret is that the description should be multifaceted, and the one who has not guessed right away wins. But, an important element is that if no one could identify your card at all, you lose points.
the group is divided into several teams, one team is leading, and a couple of teams. Participants are offered a variety of tasks, questions which in the end are presented in the crossword puzzle and it turns out the key word. The tasks may include cards of profession, economic concepts, etc
A game of trust "Blind"
Next game — confidence.Select one facilitator and one, so to speak, a victim – namely , the blind. Excitement and extreme sports adds that if we draw this game you will be somewhere in a public place – in the Park or just outdoors. A blind man is blindfolded because he doesn't need to see anything, and he chooses him from the team guide. The task of the guide - lead by the hand of a Blind man. To warn, loudly and clearly, where through puddles to step over, around holes and ditches - his direct responsibility. The most important thing in this game — the feeling of complete trust between the players. An invalid of any sort of bad jokes, the taunts, the heckling and teasing — don't forget that the man sees nothing, and can suffer greatly.
Where am I?
Where am I? For this you need to prepare name boards of the places where people can go. That is, the plates should be as fun and unusual. The participants do not know which place they will fall. A handout is attached to the back of the player. Leading defines the most common questions that participants must answer. The result is very funny. And the winner picks the whole team. 
Word race
Students are divided into two teams;The Board is divided into two halves and the top is indicated by the theme of the competition;Then the students start by writing one word in accordance with the subject;One word, one ball. The winner is the team who wrote the largest number of words on the Board in the allotted time.
Great game, focused on team work. It is suitable for repetition of the time, phrases, hone reading skills, etc. How to play the puzzles?
One person comes up with the word and reset on the Board the number of letters using the cell (like crossword);Offer Students the letters, and if BU is present in the brakes, then write it down. If not, then the Board resets of the vessels and Penny.Participants win when time to guess the word before the drawing is seven.
To start on separate sheets of paper write the words and hide in the bag;The class is divided into two teams, and the Board is split into two halves;
One student from each team gets a random word from a bag and then begins to draw it. The first team to correctly guess the word wins;If the picture is finished, and the word is not guessed, then another team member takes the place of "artist"
True or false
Students write on a piece of paper three sentences about yourself. One of them is true, the other two to lie. Students are allowed to ask questions regarding allegations. And in the end you need to determine what is true and what is false.

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

1) Playing the imagination "Dixit"The rules of the game are simple, but you will need special cards. The bottom line is this: players are dealt six cards. They depict various pictures - almost surrealism. For example - a mowing anchor, in the middle of the desert. What associations come to mind? They need to be formulated in one phrase - and voice it to the rest. Players choose from their kit a suitable card according to the description and spread it on the table. The secret is that the description should be multifaceted, and the one who has not guessed right away wins. But, an important element is that if no one could identify your card at all, you lose points.
2) Playing on the feelings and feelings of the "Relay of feelings"
Need card. All you need to write for 6-10 cards (depending on number of participants) name of feelings. For example : "distrust", "adoration", "charity", "love" etc. Players sit in a circle and close their eyes, and the one that sits on the edge pulls out the first card. It reflects the feeling written on the card fallen neighbor. But, of course, makes it not words , and various movements, such as: stroking, or Vice versa removal, Pat, and so on. The player has to guess what feeling is being conveyed and comprehended and when it passes it's next. And so the circle. When the last member receives a "feeling", then open your eyes and the give voice to your feelings. And then we can discuss the causes of the distortion.
3) A game of trust "Blind"
Next game — confidence. Can you trust your friends? We'll see about that. Select one facilitator and one, so to speak, a victim – namely , the blind. Excitement and extreme sports adds that if we draw this game you will be somewhere in a public place – in the Park or just outdoors. A blind man is blindfolded because he doesn't need to see anything, and he chooses him from the team guide. The task of the guide - lead by the hand of a Blind man. To warn, loudly and clearly, where through puddles to step over, around holes and ditches - his direct responsibility. The most important thing in this game — the feeling of complete trust between the players. An invalid of any sort of bad jokes, the taunts, the heckling and teasing — don't forget that the man sees nothing, and can suffer greatly, stumbled, such as a tree or lamppost. The Blind challenge at this time not only to listen carefully to the guide, but to surrender to your feelings — tune to a clear perception of their own senses. The psychological task of this game is first to draw the man to his sensual consciousness, secondly to set an example of responsibility for another person.
4) Game "Mafia"
For playing "Mafia" will need a deck of cards.
The rules of the game "Mafia" is very simple. All players are divided into several categories, the most basic among them are civilians and the mafia. The game also contains some other characters, and each performs its specific functions. But in the end must win either the mafia or the civilians.
5) Quest
Come up with a theme together.

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Krasnoyarsk Book Fair

The fair will be held from 2 to 6 November. The main theme is "Science and Culture".Within its framework two large exhibitions from the Polytechnic Museum will arrive in Krasnoyarsk. Firstly, the interactive project "Codes. Sounds. Signs "of the Mexican artist Tani Candiani about how people, machines and musical instruments interact. Secondly, the exposition "Life under the microscope" will open - this is a selection of nominees for the British award for contemporary scientific images Wellcome Image, which will be supplemented by rare books and microscopes from the collection of Polytech. The organizers promise that at the fair it will be possible to see all the scales of the wings of the Madagascar butterfly of Urania and even play on a hybrid organ. The remaining details will appear closer to the alignment of the KRYAKK-11
In the fair there were books for buyers of all ages.Everyone could choose a book according to their interests.Activities for children were also organized.

Comparison of publishers at a book fair

Children's magazine Munka "Barvinok"
Here were presented not only books, more toys and souvenirs from the magazine.

Komsomolskaya true

This is one of the largest publishing houses in Russia. Therefore, there was a large selection of books.
There were many visitors of different ages.

Book Center - Krasnoyarsk Bibliotektor
"Krasnoyarsk Bibcollector" is one of the oldest bookselling enterprises in Russia.

Socrates classic
Sokrat Publishing House began its activity in 1994 with the release of books for children, guided by the principle of publishing quality and content, and on design and printing.
A sweet girl was selling books


"Galart" - the new name of the publishing house "Soviet Artist", founded in 1946. For many decades the publishing house acquainted readers with the life of multinational Soviet art in books, albums, magazines "Creativity" and "Decorative Arts of the USSR", popular almanacs "Panorama of the Arts" and thousands of catalogs of exhibitions of Moscow artists.
Seller are happy to answer questions.

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

VIII Krasnoyarsk Book Culture Fair

 The general program of VIII KRYAKK included more than 150 professional and cultural events: meetings with writers and poets from Russia, Switzerland, Great Britain, Norway and Sweden, master classes, presentations, roundtables, discussions, exhibitions, theater performances, concerts, film shows.
Many projects and contests began long before the official opening of the KRYAKK and captured not only the official venue, but also the urban space. This vector of development, which arose from the theme of mastering the urban environment, which was identified as the main one at this year's fair, underscored the need for not only an aesthetic approach to the disclosure of this topic, but also a practical one. That is why special attention was paid to projects that went beyond the limited location. Such projects were: the city tour route and mobile application Story Bus, competition for young artists for the best urban project and a special program Urban Art at the Museum Night, which presented the best works of authorship; street-art project "Drawings on the stairs" citizens can still see today on the embankment of Krasnoyarsk.
The cultural program.
SIBERIA, October 31, November 4, 2014
October 31, Friday 
Time, place                                       Event     

13.50-14.30 Hall                             "Flowers" Performance of the Liquid Theater (Moscow).                Represents: The Mikhail Prokhorov Foundation. 
14.00-14.30 Hall                            Grand opening                                                                                  
14.00 - 18.30 Atrium                          "The King inspires"Labyrinth or anti-game. A creative platform for children and adults.
Represents: The Mikhail Prokhorov Foundation.
14.30-16.00 Club KRYAKK           "Description of the city" Round table. Participants: Viktor Sonkin, Dmitry Danilov, Viktor Vakhshtein, Konstantin Bogdanov.
Moderator - Galina Yuzefovich.
14.30-15.30 Scene 1                           Tour Heyerdahl Presentation of the biography of the Norwegian scientist and traveler.
Ragnar Kvam, historian, writer, journalist.
Represents: Embassy of Norway with the support of the Norla Foundation.
14.30-16.00 Scene2                               Championships in Reading                                                         
Final of the Championship reading aloud for high school students.
Moderator: Mikhail Faustov.
Represents: "Interregional Reading Federation" (Novosibirsk). With the support of the Goethe Institute in Novosibirsk.
14.30-15.30                                     Hall "Reading Together"                                                                    Quiz-play on the knowledge of literary works. Drawing of books.Represents: the magazine "Reading Together".
 15.00-16.30 Atrium                           "Book Design": Innokenty Keleynikov                                                                            About the competition of modern book design "FAT-BOOK". Comments on the exhibition.Represents: The Mikhail Prokhorov Foundation.
 15.30-16.30 Scene 1                             "The Seven Brothers"                                                                                                        By the 180th anniversary of the founder of Finnish literature Alexis Kivi.Presentation of the novel and a lecture on his work and role in Finnish literature.Moderator: Helena Autio-Meloni.Scandinavian countries program.Represents: Embassy of Finland. 
15.30-17.00 Hall                                "Art in the urban environment"                                                      Discussion.Participants: Maria Weitz, Alisa Prudnikova, Polina Borisova.Represents: The Mikhail Prokhorov Foundation. 
16.00-18.00 Club KRYAKK                        Literary Prize "NOS"                                                            Open debate.The jury: Dmitry Kuzmin, Elena Gremina, Konstantin Bogomolov, Irina Samorukova.Experts: Vladimir Mirzoyev, Anna Narinskaya, Konstantin Bogdanov.The main scene.Represents: The Mikhail Prokhorov Foundation
16.00-17.00 Scene 2                                    "Pip and his friends"                                                              A training game for those who learn to read, according to the book of the same name by Yu. Lugovskaya.Presenters: Makarova Anastasia, Moskalenko Ekaterina, Buga AnnaRepresents: publishing house "Pink Giraffe" (Moscow). 
16.30-17.30 Scene 1                       "Development of a modern city: global trends, actors, prospects"    Lecture by Alexander Sverdlov.Represents: The Mikhail Prokhorov Foundation.17.00-18.30 Atrium                                          "Model of the modern book"                                            Lecture of Innokentiy Keleinikov.Represents: The Mikhail Prokhorov Foundation.
 17.00 - 17.40 Scene 2                         "Only we did not have enough here"                                                                 The presentation of the authors with the presentation of booksParticipants: Sergei Sedov, Mikhail Esenovsky, Valentina Degteva.Represents: The Mikhail Prokhorov Foundation.17.40-18.50 Scene 2                                  "Crossing interests: authors, parents, publishers"                   Round table. For parents, authors, publishers and librarians.Represents: The Mikhail Prokhorov Foundation. 
17.00-18.00 Hall                                               "Book of Desires"                                                            Presentation of the literary project.Participants: Andrey Kalinin, Sergey KaluzhenovRepresents: Art-café AccentHoll (Krasnoyarsk). 
19.30 Krasnoyarsk Youth Theater of Youth Theater                                                                                  Akademika Vavilova str., 25 "Grandmothers"Performance of the Theater "Practice" (Moscow). Directed by Svetlana Kuznetsova.Represents: The Mikhail Prokhorov Foundation
1 ноября, суббота
Time, place                                       Event  
10.00 Stop "Sopka" (SFU)                                  90x90 Opening of the excursion route.                                         90 minutes of the history of Krasnoyarsk on a 90 bus, from mammoths to our days.Represent: Moskultorg and the Mikhail Prokhorov Foundation.10.00-18.00 Large conference hall                                 "Library in the city"                                                      Professional program for librarians.Represents: The Mikhail Prokhorov Foundation. 
10.00-15.00 Atrium          Master-class on creation of ZINS for photographers and illustrators Moderator: Kirill Savchenkov.Represents: The Mikhail Prokhorov Foundation. 
10.30-11.15 Hall                                           Contemporary Norwegian Literature                                              Review of the creativity of popular Russian authors in Norway and fresh translations into Russian.Participants: Olga Drobot, Dina Roll-Hansen.Represents: Embassy of Norway with the support of the Norla Foundation. 
11.00 - 18.30 Atrium                                                    "The King inspires"                                                       Labyrinth or anti-game. A creative platform for children and adults.Represents: The Mikhail Prokhorov Foundation. 
11.00-12.00 Scene 1                        New formats for reading: multimedia, longdays, the future of book publishingPresentation of the "electronic book" direction "UFO".Represents: publishing house "New literary review". 
11.00-12.00 Scene 2                              "The Peterson and Findus' Named Performance"                                  Theatrical performance.Represent: the publishing house "Albus Corvus / White Crow" (Moscow) and the Krasnoyarsk Regional Philharmonic. 
11.30-12.30 Hall                                         Humanitarian lecture hall                                                               Lecture-discussion "When books are killed. The Protocols of the Elders of Zion: a political satire that has become an ominous cultural phenomenon. "Moderator: Marina EberhardtRepresents: KSPU them. V.P. Astaf'eva, Department of General History
12.00-13.30 Club KRYAKK                        "Paris in the years 1814-1848. Everyday life"                                     Presentation of the book by Vera Milchina.Moderator - I.D. Prokhorov.Represents: publishing house "New literary review". 
12.00-13.30 Scene 1                                                 "Individuals"                                                                    Poetic reading and talking. Participants: Ivan Akhmetev, Dmitry Kuzmin. Moderator - Linor Goralik.Represents: The Mikhail Prokhorov Foundation. 
12.30 - 14.00 Scene 1                                        "The City: Semiotics of the View"                                           Lecture of Konstantin Bogdanov.Represents: The Mikhail Prokhorov Foundation. 
12.50-13.40 Scene 2                                       "Where are you, my cabbage?"                                                  Merry presentation of the books "The Moon behind the Sofa", "Where are you, my cabbage?", "Ur-yur-vyr" and others.Participants: Mikhail Yesenovsky, Valentina Degteva.Represents: The Mikhail Prokhorov Foundation. 
13.30-15.00 Club KRYAKK                     "Poet and citizen: artistic language in non-artistic reality"                      Round table.Participants: Lev Rubinstein, Alexandra Borisenko, Elena Gremina, Irina Levontina.Moderator - Galina YuzefovichRepresents: The Mikhail Prokhorov Foundation. 
13.30-14.30 Scene 1                                     SWISS MADE                                                                           Creative meeting with Verena Stössinger and Olga Kozonkova. Presentation of the novel "The Trees Remain".Moderator - Svyatoslav Gorodetsky.Represents: With the support of the Swiss Council for Culture Pro Helvetia in the framework of the program "Swiss Made in Russia. Exchange in the sphere of modern culture 2013-2015 ". 
13.40-14.30 Scene 2                                                        "Impatient stories"                                                   Presentation of the book by Bernard Frio (France). Meeting with the author.Lead and translator: Marina Kadetova.Represents: the publishing house "Compass-Guide" (Moscow). 
14.00 - 15.00 Hall                                    "The Literary Matrix"                                                                         Presentation of the project.Presenters: Olga Tublina and Dmitry Vodennikov.Represents: publishing house "Limbus-press" (St. Petersburg). 
14.30-15.30 Scene 1                              "Urban Everyday: Behavior in Public Places"                                        Lecture by Victor Vakhshtein.Represents: The Mikhail Prokhorov Foundation. 
14.30-15.10 Scene 2                                         "The birds are real and fabulous"                                              Master class on books "Bird's Tales" by Elena Balsamo, "The Year with the Swallows" and "The Year with the Sparrows" by Thomas Muller.Moderator: Mikhail ShatinRepresent: the publishing house "Forum" and "Rare Bird" (Moscow).
2 November, Sunday 
 Time, place                                       Event 

10.00 - 22.00 Sopka - the recreation center "Krastets" 90x90          Sightseeing tour. 90 minutes of the history of Krasnoyarsk on a 90 bus, from mammoths to our days.Represent: Moskultorg and the Mikhail Prokhorov Foundation. 
10.00-18.00 Great Hall of negotiations                          "The Library in the City"                                      Professional program for librarians.Represents: The Mikhail Prokhorov Foundation. 
10.00-15.00 Atrium                                Master-class on creation of ZINS for photographers and illustrators                            
Moderator: Kirill Savchenkov.Represents: The Mikhail Prokhorov Foundation. 
10.00 - 11.00 Hall                                   History of Russian Philately                                                            Lecture and master class.Represents: FSUE Russian Post.10.30-11.30 Club KRYAKK                                      Conference of the British Council                          Day 1. Discussion "Historical Literature: Truth or Fiction?".Participants: Paul de Quincy, Helen Dunmore.Represents: The British Council. 
11.00 - 18.30 Atrium                                         "The King inspires"                                                                          Labyrinth or anti-game. A creative platform for children and adults.Represents: The Mikhail Prokhorov Foundation. 
11.00-12.30 Scene 1                                       "Literary festival as a city event"                                                                 Round table.Participants: Irina Prokhorova, Boris Kupriyanov, representatives of the Umeå festival (Sweden).Represents: The Mikhail Prokhorov Foundation.11.00-12.00 Scene 2                                           "Fairy tales from different pockets"                               Performance-concert for the artist with dolls.Represents: Moscow Regional State Puppet Theater. 
11.00-12.00 Hall                                     "Materials of IV Conference of Territory Explorers (CIT):                  Archive and the "field" of 2013 ".The book's presentation.Presenter: Larissa Stryuchkova.Represents: publishing house "Apex" (Norilsk). 
11.30 - 12.30 Club KRYAKK                                  "City life as a resource"                                            Lecture of Christoffer Weiss (Denmark). Scandinavian countries program.Represents: The Mikhail Prokhorov Foundation. 
12.00-13.00 Scene 2                                     "Polesh opens the museum"                                                Meeting with the writer Oshel Kanstad Younesen (Norway).Curator: Evgenia Tamarchenko. Translator: Olga Drobot.Represents: publishing house "Walking into history" (Moscow). 
12.30-14.00 Club                                             SWIMMING SWISS MADE                                          A creative meeting with the writer Mikhail Shishkin.Moderator - Irina Prokhorova.Represents: With the support of the Swiss Council for Culture Pro Helvetia in the framework of the program "Swiss Made in Russia. Exchange in the sphere of modern culture 2013-2015 ". 
12.30-14.00 Scene 1                                             "Russian non-fiction: why it is, but it is not"                                        Round table.Participants: Victor Sonkin, Vera Milchin, Nikolai Kononov.Moderator - Galina Yuzefovich.Represents: The Mikhail Prokhorov Foundation. 
12.00-13.00 Hall                                                          Humanitarian lecture hall                                            Lecture-discussion "Atlantis: from the utopia of Plato to the modern myth".Moderator: Dmitriy Zaitsev Dmitry.Represents: KSPU them. V.P. Astaf'eva, Department of World History. 
14.00-15.30 Scene 1                                           "Private persons"                                                                   Poetic reading and talking.Participants: Nikolay Zvyagintsev, Demyan  Kudryavtsev.Moderator: Linor GoralikRepresents: The Mikhail Prokhorov Foundation.
13.00-13.40 Scene 2                                        "The Cat of Lancelot"                                                                       Presentation of Marina Aromshtam's book.Moderator: author Marina Aromshtam.Represents: the publishing house "Compass-Guide" (Moscow). 
13.00-14.00 Hall                                     "Partnership for effective development of the city"                       Lecture of Christian Pag (Denmark).Represents: The Mikhail Prokhorov Foundation. 
13.45-14.45 Scene 2                                       Ragnar Kvam came to you                                                    Norwegian journalist and writer Ragnar Kvam will talk about Norwegianpolar explorers.Represents: Embassy of Norway. 
14.00-16.00 Club KRYAKK DNA.                                             Day 2                                                               Collection UFO "Forgotten plays 1920-1930-ies."The play "Lies" by A.Afinogenov.Director: Oleg Rybkin.After reading, discussion.Expert: Irina Prokhorova.Moderator: Oksana Efremenko.Represents: The Mikhail Prokhorov Foundation and the New Literary Review Publishing House (Moscow). 
14.00-15.30 Hall                                                        Program for journalists                                           Master class of Nikolai Kononov "Strategies for the survival of an independent journalist and electronic media".Represents: The Mikhail Prokhorov Foundation. 
15.00-17.00 Atrium                                "Book Design: Between Contemporary Art and Massmarket"Discussion.Participants: Noel Leu, Megi Zumstein, Yegor Larichev, Ivan Velichko, Stas Zhitsky.Moderator: Mikhail Kaluzhsky.Represents: The Mikhail Prokhorov Foundation. 
15.00 - 16.00 Scene 2                                                        "The trial of superheroes"                                                                    Intellectual talk show.Accused: Superman, Batman, Iron Man, Hulk, Wolverine and others.Judge leading the trial: Konstantin Milchin.Represents: Information Center for Atomic Energy (Krasnoyarsk).


I am from the Republic of Tyva